100 000 Trees initiative

The initiative 100 000 Trees started with the idea of creating, rather than preserving, a common resource: it set out to plant 100 000 new trees in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. This action was instigated in September 2018 by the civic movement KOD active in Podgorica since 2017. The literal meaning of the word KOD is Code; however, the movement often uses the string of these three letters as an acronym for various slogans they promote, such as Konkretno, odgovorno, dostojanstveno (eng. Concretely, responsibly, with dignity), Krenimo od drveća (eng. Let’s start with trees) or Ka opštem dobru (eng. Towards the Common Good). KOD describes itself as a group of individuals with diverse professional backgrounds (law, economics, biology, engineering…) who believe in good governance and government institutions, but who are also aware of the current system’s shortcomings. Hence, KOD aims to improve the system by setting up initiatives to highlight the flaws and push for change. They sum this up in their slogan: (Re)action to Reality.

  • Promoted by:
  • Started in: 2018
  • Territory: Podgorica
  • Source: Spaces of Commoning: Urban Commons in the ex-YU (2020) pp. 191-192
Écologie, Espace public